About Bonga

Bonga is a Capital Digital initiative to get people to open up and be more honest about their mental well-being.

It is meant to be a safe space where you can share your feelings anonymously without fear of judgement or bullying. When you are not yet ready to share you are encouraged to empathize and learn from other people’s experiences.

Shit happens; whether to you, someone you know, or a complete stranger, and the goal is to encourage people to understand that sometimes no matter how careful or diligent you are life is unpredictable, bad things happen ―be it the loss of a job, loss of a partner, fallout with family or friends, the list is endless― and we may be left feeling alone, isolated and unheard.

This is the platform to be heard.

We are doing our best to involve volunteers and professional counsellors when available to respond to the posts that are within their scope. A response is not always guaranteed.

That said, this is neither a final nor real-time/emergency solution, and whenever possible we encourage you to please seek the personalized services that are only possible with a professional.

TLDR: This is a safe space to be heard. Please see a professional where possible

To volunteer and work with us, please use the link below